[Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Discussions à propos d'iCompta sur iOS
Messages : 5
Inscription : 01 février 2017, 10:15

Re: [Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Message par ericlovestztot »


J'ai le même problème de sauvegarde impossible sur mon iPhone (tout fonctionne sur mon Mac). Je ne vois pas de filtres sauvegardés. Voici les lignes iCompta de mon fichier log :

Feb 1 10:12:23 iPhoneric sharingd[1688] <Notice>: SystemUI unknown identifier: 'com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6'
Feb 1 10:12:43 iPhoneric sharingd[1688] <Notice>: SystemUI unknown identifier: 'com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6'
SBLayoutPrimaryRole = <SBWorkspaceApplication: 0x174a8ca30; ID: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6; layoutRole: primary>; };
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iap2d[1504] <Notice>: process com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 is now running in the background
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric sharingd[1688] <Notice>: SystemUI unknown identifier: 'com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6'
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric backboardd[60] <Info>: [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 (2388)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[30] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- cmsmHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 with pid '2388' is now Background Running. Background entitlement: NO
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[30] <Notice>: 1067: pid 2388(iComptaMobile)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: 2388 com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6: BackgroundRunning (most elevated: BackgroundRunning)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: app will resign active
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document is handling application resigning active: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document will save if necessary: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: app will suspend
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document has unsaved changes and will now save: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError] saving to URL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb with file type: com.lyricapps.icompta.cdb, using final URL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document will register as file presenter if necessary on main thread: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document running file presenter registration block on main thread: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document attempting coordinated writing: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(Foundation)[2388] <Info>: Write options: 0 -- URL: <private> -- purposeID: 30182542-7429-45A9-B193-99BDC9314F85
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(Foundation)[2388] <Notice>: Claim 57288216-2D65-4B6F-932C-E1A38D6AFA1A granted in client
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(Foundation)[2388] <Notice>: Claim 57288216-2D65-4B6F-932C-E1A38D6AFA1A invoked in client
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter)[57] <Info>: HW kbd: currently com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 ((null) < (null))
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document got coordinated writing lock, now writing: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document performing writeContents:andAttributes:safelyToURL: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: trim foreground state for uuid 4B10EC94-DC75-3B48-A280-064DEECBBA5D name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 pid 2388
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: Entry, display name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 uuid 4B10EC94-DC75-3B48-A280-064DEECBBA5D pid 2388 isFront 0
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: Check for bundle name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 returns 0
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: app name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 isForeground 0 hasForegroundApps 0, current idea of foreground 1 disp (null)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6, is front 0
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6: Foreground: false
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric wcd[2207] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateBackgroundRunning for bundleID: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6
arg1 = "{(\134n \134"com.apple.Music\134",\134n \134"com.apple.InCallService\134",\134n \134"com.apple.MobileSMS\134",\134n \134"com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6\134",\134n \134"com.apple.mobilemail\134"\134n)}";
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: Remove appCompactState key com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: Entry, display name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 uuid 4B10EC94-DC75-3B48-A280-064DEECBBA5D pid 2388 isFront 0
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: CFSM dynamic blacklist for app: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6, (wifi/cell/rnf/jumbo/allflows) 11777771/23707821/0/0/262, allow, code: AppFreePassed
"com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6" = 1;
"com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6" = AppFreePassed;
"com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6" = 1;
"com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6" = AppFreePassed;
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(LAAdditions)[2388] <Notice>: Error while executing update : INSERT INTO LACondition ("ID", "lastModificationDate", "class", "parent", "index", "type") VALUES ('121F21EA-C622-4736-8AD6-B8F2BCCC6603', NULL, 'LACompoundCondition', NULL, 0, 2)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError] hit writing error: Error Domain=LADatabaseErrorDomain Code=4 "Error while executing update : INSERT INTO LACondition ("ID", "lastModificationDate", "class", "parent", "index", "type") VALUES ('121F21EA-C622-4736-8AD6-B8F2BCCC6603', NULL, 'LACompoundCondition', NULL, 0, 2)UNIQUE constraint failed: LACondition.ID" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error while executing update : INSERT INTO LACondition ("ID", "lastModificationDate", "class", "parent", "index", "type") VALUES ('121F21EA-C622-4736-8AD6-B8F2BCCC6603', NULL, 'LACompoundCondition', NULL, 0, 2)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError] handling error: Error Domain=LADatabaseErrorDomain Code=4 "Error while executing update : INSERT INTO LACondition ("ID", "lastModificationDate", "class", "parent", "index", "type") VALUES ('121F21EA-C622-4736-8AD6-B8F2BCCC6603', NULL, 'LACompoundCondition', NULL, 0, 2)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: UIDocument unrecoverable error with description: Error while executing update : INSERT INTO LACondition ("ID", "lastModificationDate", "class", "parent", "index", "type") VALUES ('121F21EA-C622-4736-8AD6-B8F2BCCC6603', NULL, 'LACompoundCondition', NULL, 0, 2)UNIQUE constraint failed: LACondition.ID reason: (null)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: Failed to recover from error with description: Error while executing update : INSERT INTO LACondition ("ID", "lastModificationDate", "class", "parent", "index", "type") VALUES ('121F21EA-C622-4736-8AD6-B8F2BCCC6603', NULL, 'LACompoundCondition', NULL, 0, 2)UNIQUE constraint failed: LACondition.ID reason: (null)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document will perform saving completion handler on calling queue: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document is performing saving completion handler on calling queue: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document will unregister as file presenter if necessary on main thread: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: document running file presenter de-registration block on main thread: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iComptaMobile(UIKit)[2388] <Notice>: unregistering document as file presenter: <ICMDocument: 0x105028d50> fileURL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9AED3EFA-C2A0-493B-BEBA-3273D2837466/Documents/Eric_MIGOT.cdb documentState: [SavingError]
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric backboardd[60] <Info>: [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 (2388)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric iap2d[1504] <Notice>: process com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 is now suspending
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[30] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- cmsmHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 with pid '2388' is now Background Suspended. Background entitlement: NO
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[30] <Notice>: 1067: pid 2388(iComptaMobile)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: 2388 com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6: BackgroundTaskSuspended (most elevated: BackgroundTaskSuspended)
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[120] <Notice>: Entry, display name com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 uuid 4B10EC94-DC75-3B48-A280-064DEECBBA5D pid 2388 isFront 0
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric wcd[2207] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateBackgroundTaskSuspended for bundleID: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric wcd[2207] <Notice>: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6: suspended; invalidating xpc connection
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric wcd[2207] <Notice>: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6: XPC connection invalidated
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric wcd[2207] <Notice>: <WCDClient: 0x100417690, communicationID: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6, identifier: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6, connection: (null), clientCurrentPairingID: (null)>
Feb 1 10:12:44 iPhoneric wcd[2207] <Notice>: com.lyricapps.iComptaMobile6 from {}
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Messages : 12538
Inscription : 28 décembre 2008, 21:28
Localisation : Toulouse, France
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Re: [Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Message par Angeman »

Il y a une condition d'un filtre ou d'une règle qui pose problème. Pouvez-vous me dire si vous avez changé des conditions récemment ? Sur le Mac et/ou sur l'iPhone ? Pouvez-vous m'envoyer votre fichier de comptes par mail pour que j'essaie de comprendre comment ça a pu se produire ?
Messages : 5
Inscription : 01 février 2017, 10:15

Re: [Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Message par ericlovestztot »

Merci pour votre aide, je viens de vous envoyer mon fichier de sauvegarde.
Pour les filtres, sur mon iPhone, sur l'écran de chaque compte, aucun filtre n'est appliqué et les boutons "Tout" sont actifs !
Je vais regarder ce soir sur mon Mac à la maison et je vous dis ça.
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Messages : 12538
Inscription : 28 décembre 2008, 21:28
Localisation : Toulouse, France
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Re: [Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Message par Angeman »

C'est bizarre dans le fichier que vous m'avez envoyé il y a un filtre "Avancé" sélectionné dans la barre bleue au-dessus de la liste des opérations. Ce filtre est d'ailleurs vide mais c'est celui qui pose problème d'après le log. Comment avez-vous récupéré ce fichier que vous m'avez envoyé ?
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 12538
Inscription : 28 décembre 2008, 21:28
Localisation : Toulouse, France
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Re: [Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Message par Angeman »

C'est bon j'ai réussi à identifier le problème ce sera corrigé en 6.0.2 que je viens de soumettre à Apple.
Messages : 5
Inscription : 01 février 2017, 10:15

Re: [Icompta v6]pb synchro entre iPhone et Mac

Message par ericlovestztot »

Vous êtes vraiment formidable. Merci.